Product Information
Handle: juuldevicekit
Name: Juul Device Kit
The Slate JUUL Device comes with a USB Charging Dock and a one year limited device warranty. JUULpods are not included.
The Silver JUUL Device comes with a USB Charging Dock and a one year limited device warranty. JUULpods are not included.
JUUL C1 is a new connected device. JUUL C1 can be paired with the JUUL app to access features like Locate Your JUUL and Secure Your Device. Only available for Android™ platform.
The “Usage Monitor” in the JUUL app is no longer available. Other app features, including JUUL Locator and Autolock, remain available for use.
Product Category: Equipment
Device: C1
Retail Price: 29.99
Additional Details
Color: Slate
Brand Name: juul
Tags: juul